Наречия в английском языке: степени сравнения, примеры, упражнения. Тренируем суффиксы английских наречий Образование наречий в английском языке упражнения

Задание 1. Раскройте скобки, преобразовывая прилагательное в наречие.

Пример : Linda is ... (amazing) clever. - Linda is amazingly clever.

1. She ... (easy) ended her training.
2. Kim always acts ... (strange).
3. This movie is ... (extreme) funny.
4. His eyes are ... (nervous) shifty.

Задание 2. Из двух возможных вариантов, оставьте один верный.

Пример : My friends are most / mostly gamers. - My friends are mostly gamers.

1. The dress was pretty / prettily ornamented.
2. The tree was so
high / highly that she couldn"t see our window.
3. The Smiths may be
late / lately because they have to meet their relatives at the station.
4. She
warm / warmly smiled at me.
5. She lives in Spain, so we
hard / hardly ever see her.

Задание 3. Поставьте наречие в скобках на нужное место в предложении.

Пример : Simon is alone in that building. (absolutely) - Simon is absolutely alone in that building.

1. Lucy visits her parents at the weekend. (always)
2. A pathologist examined the body. (carefully)
3. I saw him at the cafe. (yesterday)
4. I"m looking for him. (everywhere)
5. I"ll call you. (then)

Задание 4. Поставьте наречие в скобках в нужную степень сравнения.

Пример : We don"t have time! Could you go ... (fast)? - We don"t have time! Could you go faster ?

1. Excuse me, I can"t concentrate. Could you speak ... (quietly)?
2. They came ... (soon) than we thought.
3. After renovation in our flat we will feel ... (comfortably).
4. The winner of the beauty contest acted ... (gracefully).

Задание 5. Заполните пропуски словами too или enough по смыслу.

Пример : The soup was ... hot to eat. - The soup was too hot to eat.

1. This house was ... expensive for us.
2. I have ... time to speak with you.
3. James wasn"t good ... for her.

Задание 6. Из двух вариантов выберите один верный.

    He is good/well at playing tennis.

    My sister drives very careful/carefully.

    That cake tastes delicious/deliciously.

    They live together happy/happily.

    This book makes me feel sad/sadly.

Задание 7. Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степени от данных прилагательных.






Задание 8. Составьте предложения, используя сравнительную степень прилагательных.

Пример :

Horse/big/dog – A horse is bigger than a dog.

2. Car/fast/bike

3. English/easy/German

4. Sam/tall/John

5. Your ring/beautiful/mine

Задание 9. Поставьте прилагательные в скобках в превосходную степень.

    Everest is………(high) mountain in the world.

    A whale is…………(big) animal on our planet.

    He is the…………(good) student in our class.

    This is……………(interesting) story by Dickens.

    I am……………(happy) man in the world.

Задание 10. Исправьте ошибки в предложениях.

    He is the most oldest student in his group.

    You are taller then me.

    My car is beter than his.

    It is one of most beautiful lakes in the world.

    These flowers are more cheap than those ones.

Задание 11. Поставьте прилагательное в скобках в нужную форму.

    The Volga is…………(long) river in Europe.

    Life in the country is…………(relaxing) than in the city.

    He is one of…………(rich) people in the world.

    My house is…………(modern) than yours.

    The weather today is……………(good) than it was yesterday.

Ответы :

Задание 1.

1. easily
2. strangely
3. extremely
4. nervously

Задание 2.

1. prettily
2. high
3. late
4. warmly
5. hardly

Задание 3.

1. Lucy always visits her parents at the weekend.
2. A pathologist carefully examined the body. / A pathologist examined the body carefully.
3. I saw him at the cafe yesterday.
4. I"m looking for him everywhere.
5. I"ll call you then. / Then I"ll call you.

Задание 4.

1. more quietly
2. sooner
3. more comfortably
4. most gracefully

Задание 5.

1. too
2. enough
3. enough

Задание 6.






Задание 7.

    hot – hotter – (the) hottest

    small – smaller – (the) smallest

    happy – happier – (the) happiest

    expensive – more expensive – (the) most expensive

    bad – worse – (the) worst

Задание 8.

    Mary is more polite than Ann.

    A car is faster than a bike.

    English is easier than German.

    Sam is taller than John.

    Your ring is more beautiful than mine.

Задание 9.

    the highest

    the biggest

    the best

    the most interesting

    the happiest

Задание 10.

    He is the oldest student in his group.

    You are taller than me.

    My car is better than his.

    It is one of the most beautiful lakes in the world.

    These flowers are cheaper than those ones.

Задание 11.

    the longest

    more relaxing

    the richest

    more modern


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Упражнение 1.

Выберите правильно наречие из скобок.

1. He stood (close/closely) to the door.
2. You can get the book (free/freely).
3. Не couldn’t explain it (clear/clearly).
4. I (hard/hardly) studied at all last term.
5. You guessed (wrong/wrongly).
6. He opened the door (wide/widely).
7. She was (high/highly) praised for her work.
8. He has been working (hard/hardly).
9. I’m getting (pretty/prettily) tired.
10. You can speak (free/freely) in front of him.
11. My friends are (most/mostly) students.
12. I haven’t been to the theatre much (late/lately).
13. I (wrong/wrongly) assumed that you were my friend.
14. He (close/closely) inspected the lock.
15. He came back (late/lately).
16. You’re doing (fine/finely).
17. Take it (easy/easily).
18. The kite flew (high/highly).
19. The girl was dancing (pretty/prettily).
20. I understood his English (easy/easily).
21. He pulled the strings (tight/tightly).
22. It was (near/nearly) midnight.
23. Of all fruit he loved apples (most/mostly),.
24. They differed (wide/widely) in opinions.
25. The car droye up (near/nearly) to the gate.
26. I (clean/cleanly) forgot about it.
27. He loved his parents (dear/dearly).
28. He will be in (short/shortly).
29. He bought it (cheap/cheaply).
30. His refusal cost him (dear/dearly).
31. He turned round (sharp/sharply).
32. They travelled (cheap/cheaply).
33. They treated him (fair/fairly).
34. The foreman cut me (short/shortly).
35.She clenched the letter (tight/tightly) in her hand.
36.She wiped the table (clean/cleanly).
37. He always travelled (light/lightly).
38. You must play (fair/fairly).
39. He kissed me (light/lightly) on the cheek.
40. It was ten o’clock (sharp/sharply).
41. Stand (clear/clearly) of the machine.


1. close
2. free
3. clearly
4. hardly
5. wrong
6. wide
7. highly
8. hard
9. pretty
10. freely
11. mostly
12. lately
13. wrongly
14. closely
15. late
16. fine
17. easy
18. high
19. prettily
20. easily
21. tight
22. nearly
23. most
24. widely
25. near
26. clean
27. dearly
28. shortly
29. cheap
30. dear
31. sharply
32. cheaply
33. fairly
34. short
35. tightly
36. cleanly
37. light
38. fair
39. lightly
40. sharp
41. clear

1. close
2. free
3. clearly
4. hardly
5. wrong
6. wide
7. highly
8. hard
9. pretty
10. freely
11. mostly
12. lately
13. wrongly
14. closely
15. late
16. fine
17. easy
18. high
19. prettily
20. easily
21. tight
22. nearly
23. most
24. widely
25. near
26. clean
27. dearly
28. shortly
29. cheap
30. dear
31. sharply
32. cheaply
33. fairly
34. short
35. tightly
36. cleanly
37. light
38. fair
39. lightly
40. sharp
41. clear

Упражнение 2.

Поставьте наречие в правильное место.

1. I can’t do it (possibly).

2. He has mentioned it (never).

3. We just watched TV (tonight).

4. Has he been out of his native town (ever)?

5. Mother is in the kitchen (now).

6. He can be seen in the local pub in the evening (usually).

7. What have you been doing (here)?

8. He will be sick of living alone (soon).

9. She went to bed (early).

10. They all went upstairs (presently).


12. She was indifferent to him (entirely).

13. He looked hurt (deeply).

14. He could have managed it (easily).

15. She listened to him (respectively).

16. They kept laughing (uproariously).

17. She was trying to explain (simply).

18. I think she’s lying (frankly).

19. They’ve forgotten the time (probably).

20. The visit has been very successful (politically).

21. He knew what was happening (perhaps).

22. I did not see him (honestly).

23. The letter is sent off (anyway).

24. He is very happy (obviously).

25. The players could see the ball (hardly).

26. Turning the books over he looked at the titles (rapidly).

27. We had a nice game (certainly).

28. The idea passed through my mind (idly).

29. She spoke Italian (perfectly).

30. I must just wait for his letter (patiently).

3l.She began to cry (hysterically).

32. You can see in people’s thoughts (sometimes, clearly).


1. I can’t possibly do it.
2. He has never mentioned it.
3. We just watched TV tonight.
4. Has he ever
5. Mother is now in the kitchen.
6. He can usually
7. What have you been doing here .
8. He will soon be sick of living alone.
9. She went to bed early .
10. Presently they all went upstairs.
11. “Fools,” she said to herself angrily .
12. She was entirely indifferent to him.
13. He looked deeply hurt.
14. He could have easily easily .)
15. She listened to him respectively .
16. They kept laughing uproariously .
17. She was simply simply .
18. Frankly , I think she’s lying.
19. They’ve probably forgotten the time.
20. Politically
21. Perhaps perhaps knew what was happening.)
22. Honestly , I did not see him.
23. Anyway anyway .)
24. Obviously obviously very happy.)
25. The players could hardly see ball.
26. Turning the books over rapidly rapidly .
27. We certainly had a nice game.
28. The idea passed idly through my mind.
29. She spoke Italian perfectly .
30. I must just wait patiently for his letter.
31. She began to cry hysterically .
clearly .

1. I can’t possibly do it.
2. He has never mentioned it.
3. We just watched TV tonight.
4. Has he ever been out of his native town?
5. Mother is now in the kitchen.
6. He can usually be seen in the local pub in the evening.
7. What have you been doing here .
8. He will soon be sick of living alone.
9. She went to bed early .
10. Presently they all went upstairs.
11. “Fools,” she said to herself angrily .
12. She was entirely indifferent to him.
13. He looked deeply hurt.
14. He could have easily managed it. (or: He could have managed it easily .)
15. She listened to him respectively .
16. They kept laughing uproariously .
17. She was simply trying to explain. She was trying to explain simply .
18. Frankly , I think she’s lying.
19. They’ve probably forgotten the time.
20. Politically , the visit has been very successful.
21. Perhaps he knew what was happening. (or: He perhaps knew what was happening.)
22. Honestly , I did not see him.
23. Anyway , the letter is sent off. (or. The letter is sent off, anyway .)
24. Obviously , he is very happy. (or: He is obviously very happy.)
25. The players could hardly see ball.
26. Turning the books over rapidly , he looked at the titles. Turning the books over he looked at the titles rapidly .
27. We certainly had a nice game.
28. The idea passed idly through my mind.
29. She spoke Italian perfectly .
30. I must just wait patiently for his letter.
31. She began to cry hysterically .
32. You can sometimes see in people’s thoughts clearly .

Упражнение 3.

(употребление enough и such - so ).

Заполните пробелы, выбрав правильный вариант:

1. We’ve got *** time *** to do this work (enough).

2. The work is *** important *** (enough).

3. He is (such - so) *** a nice man to speak with.

4. She is (such - so) *** beautiful.

5. We bought (such - so) *** a lovely house in the country.


4. She is so beautiful.

1. We’ve got enough time to do this work.

2. The work is important enough.

3. He is such a nice man to speak with.

4. She is so beautiful.

5. We bought such a lovely house in the country.

Пример: Linda is ... (amazing) clever. - Linda is amazingly clever.

1. She ... (easy) ended her training.
2. Kim always acts ... (strange).
3. This movie is ... (extreme) funny.
4. His eyes are ... (nervous) shifty.

Задание 2. Из двух возможных вариантов, оставьте один верный.

Пример: My friends are most / mostly gamers. - My friends are mostly gamers.

1. The dress was pretty / prettily ornamented.
2. The tree was so high / highly that she couldn"t see our window.
3. The Smiths may be late / lately because they have to meet their relatives at the station.
4. She warm / warmly smiled at me.
5. She lives in Spain, so we hard / hardly ever see her.

Задание 3. Поставьте наречие в скобках на нужное место в предложении.

Пример: Simon is alone in that building. (absolutely) - Simon is absolutely alone in that building.

1. Lucy visits her parents at the weekend. (always)
2. A pathologist examined the body. (carefully)
3. I saw him at the cafe. (yesterday)
4. I"m looking for him. (everywhere)
5. I"ll call you. (then)

Задание 4. Поставьте наречие в скобках в нужную степень сравнения.

Пример: We don"t have time! Could you go ... (fast)? - We don"t have time! Could you go faster ?

1. Excuse me, I can"t concentrate. Could you speak ... (quietly)?
2. They came ... (soon) than we thought.
3. After renovation in our flat we will feel ... (comfortably).
4. The winner of the beauty contest acted ... (gracefully).

Задание 5. Заполните пропуски словами too или enough по смыслу.

Пример: The soup was ... hot to eat. - The soup was too hot to eat.

1. This house was ... expensive for us.
2. I have ... time to speak with you.
3. James wasn"t good ... for her.


Задание 1.

1. easily
2. strangely
3. extremely
4. nervously

Задание 2.

1. prettily
2. high
3. late
4. warmly
5. hardly

Задание 3.

1. Lucy always visits her parents at the weekend.
2. A pathologist carefully examined the body. / A pathologist examined the body carefully.
3. I saw him at the cafe yesterday.
4. I"m looking for him everywhere.
5. I"ll call you then. / Then I"ll call you.

2. Поставьте наречия из скобок в правильное место в предложениях.

Например: I agree with you. (fully) – I fully agree with you. (Я полностью согласен с тобой.)

  • 1. It was hot. (very) (Было жарко.)
  • 2. We felt nervous before the wedding. (extremely) (Мы нервничали перед свадьбой.)
  • 3. Julia is tired after the gym. (really) (Джулия устала после тренажерного зала.)
  • 4. My dad’s car is old. (quite) (Папина машина старая.)
  • 5. The nights are long in winter. (rather) (Ночи длинные зимой.)
  • 6. The new film was good. (fairly) (Новый фильм был хороший.)
  • 7. It’s dangerous to drive so fast. (always) (Так быстро ездить опасно.)
  • 8. He meets intelligent people at work. (rarely) (Он встречает умных людей на работе.)
  • 9. The tickets are expensive here. (never) (Билеты здесь дорогие.)
  • 10. My girlfriend is late. (constantly) (Моя подруга опаздывает.)
  • 11. Nick will win in the game. (probably) (Ник победит в игре.)
  • 12. She knows the answer. (definitely) (Она знает ответ.)
  • 13. The lunch is ready. (nearly) (Обед готов.)
  • 14. There are three tomatoes left. (only) (Осталось три помидора.)
  • 15. He loves his sons. (certainly) (Он любит своих сыновей.)

3. Образуйте из прилагательных в скобках наречия, поставьте в предложения и переведите.

1. The firemen fought with the fire … . (heroic)

2. You should stretch your arms … . (gentle)

3. Mr. Black apologized … . (public)

4. The taxi stopped … . (unexpected)

5. She could … open the door. (easy)

6 My favourite newspaper is published … . (week)

7. The monkeys played … in the cage. (noisy)

8. I am … sorry for that incident. (awful)

9. Ted wrote the test … . (bad)

10. The orchestra played too … . (loud)


loudly (громко) tomorrow (завтра) outside (снаружи)
selfishly (эгоистично) early (рано) downstairs (внизу)
slowly (медленно) always (всегда) here (здесь)
noisily (громко) never (никогда) away (прочь)
elegantly (элегантно) before (до, перед) upstairs (наверху)
happily (счастливо) now (сейчас) inside (внутри)
well (хорошо) often (часто) abroad (заграницу)
quickly (быстро) constantly (постоянно)
wildly (дико) then (затем)
gently (нежно) again (снова)
politely (вежливо) once (однажды)
brilliantly (блестяще) soon (вскоре)
yesterday (вчера)
sometimes (иногда)
recently (недавно)
usually (обычно)
rarely (редко)

1. It was very hot. (Было очень жарко.)

2. We felt extremely nervous before the wedding. (Мы крайне нервничали перед свадьбой.)

4. My dad’s car is quite old. (Папина машина довольно старая.)

5. The nights are rather long in winter. (Ночи достаточно длинные зимой.)

6. The new film was fairly good. (Новый фильм был довольно хороший.)

7. It’s always dangerous to drive so fast. (Так быстро ездить всегда опасно.)

8. He rarely meets intelligent people at work. (Он редко встречает умных людей на работе.)

9. The tickets are never expensive here. (Билеты здесь никогда не бывают дорогими.)

10. My girlfriend is constantly late. (Моя подруга постоянно опаздывает.)

11. Nick will probably win in the game. (Ник возможно победит в игре.)

12. She definitely knows the answer. (Она точно знает ответ.)

13. The lunch is nearly ready. (Обед почти готов.)

14. There are only three tomatoes left. (Осталось лишь три помидора.)

15. He certainly loves his sons. (Он, конечно же, любит своих сыновей.)

1. heroically (Пожарные сражались с огнем героически.)

2. gently (Нужно мягко растягивать руки.)

3. publicly (Мистер Блэк публично извинился.)

4. unexpectedly (Такси неожиданно остановилось.)

5. easily (Она смогла с легкостью открыть дверь.)

6. weekly (Моя любимая газета публикуется еженедельно.)

7. noisily (Обезьянки шумно играли в клетке.)

8. awfully (Я ужасно сожалею о том инциденте.)

9. badly (Тэд плохо написал тест.)

10. loudly (Оркестр играл слишком громко.)

В любом языке, и в английском в том числе, речь украшается применением прилагательных, которые делают наше общение более живым и эмоциональным. Не менее важную функцию выполняют и наречия. Их существует огромное количество, а использование зависит от того, какой глагол они характеризуют. Как и прилагательные, наречия имеют сравнительные степени.

Группы наречий

Наречия в грамматике играют очень важную роль. В отличие от прилагательных, они характеризуют действия глагола, а не свойства существительного. Выделяют такое понятие, как степень сравнения наречий. В английском языке, как и в русском, не все наречия обладают данной грамматической категорией.

Основные группы наречий:

  • способа действия: happily (счастливо), quickly (быстро), well (хорошо), fast (быстро), bravely (смело);
  • места: here (здесь), there (там), down (вниз), up (вверх), inside (внутри), outside (снаружи);
  • времени: soon (скоро), now (сейчас), today (сегодня), yesterday (вчера), tomorrow (завтра);
  • частоты: often (часто), always (всегда), never (никогда), occasionally (случайно);
  • степени: very, much (очень), too (слишком), rather (довольно), hardly (с трудом);
  • меры и количества: enough (достаточно), almost (почти), nearly (приблизительно, около);
  • причины и обстоятельств: accordingly, therefore, consequently (следовательно);
  • вопросительные, сослагательные и относительные: when (когда), how (как), why (почему), where (где), yet (еще), still (все еще).

Большая часть наречий в английском образовано путем присоединения суффикса -ly к прилагательному: slow - slowly. В то же время часть прилагательных имеют форму с окончанием -ly: lovely, friendly, silly, deadly, lively, lonely, manly, ugly, cowardly, costly. Эти прилагательные необходимо запомнить и не путать их с наречиями. Как же правильно употребить эти прилагательные, чтобы они были в качестве наречия на английском? В этом случае вы должны сказать in a manner/way: She spoke to me in a very friendly manner. - Она разговаривала со мной очень дружелюбно (она разговаривала со мной в очень дружелюбной манере).

Образование степеней сравнения

В английском языке степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий имеют одинаковые формы:

  • простые наречия, вместе с наречием early (рано) образуются присоединением суффикса -er в comparative degree (сравнительной степени): faster, sooner, earlier; суффикс -est прибавляется в superlative degree (превосходной степени): fastest, soonest, earliest;
  • наречия, заканчивающиеся на -ly, изменяются прибавлением more и most: more carefully, most often, more slowly - most slowly;
  • исключения составляют неправильные наречия: well - better - best, badly, much, little, far - которые образуются по тому же принципу, что и прилагательные.

В то же время правилами грамматики допускается образование наречий often, quickly, slowly путем присоединения суффиксов -er, -est.

Как и в случае с прилагательными, степени сравнения наречий в английском языке по правилу могут применяться и в сравнительных конструкциях, где используются:

  • as … as - такой же …как (в положительной форме);
  • the same … as - такой же … как;
  • than - вместе со сравнительной формой;
  • the + сравнительная форма + the + сравнительная форма. Например, the quicker the better for you - чем быстрее, тем лучше для тебя.

Как можно увидеть, очень просто применять правило сравнения для наречий, которое практически ничем не отличается от форм сравнения прилагательных. Однако следует помнить, что определенные наречия имеют две формы - и при этом разное значение:

  • close/closely - близко/внимательно;
  • late/lately - поздно/недавно;
  • deep/deeply - глубоко (буквально)/глубоко (о чувствах);
  • pretty/prettily - прямо, правильно/привлекательно.

Порядок слов в предложениях с наречиями

В английском языке одну из главных ролей имеет порядок слов. Каждое слово в предложении имеет свое место, и от его изменения может поменяться значение. Поэтому и для наречий отведено определенное место. Чаще всего они ставятся в предложении после глагола, который они определяют: How did I do the work? - You did very well.

Такие наречия, как: usually, always, also и т. д. - как правило, употребляются перед глаголом, но после to be: you are always late.

Наречия употребляются в английском языке после прилагательных, других наречий и перед причастиями:

I am terribly sorry.

He run very quickly.

The competition was badly organized.

В разговорной или письменной речи надо помнить о том, что после глаголов: be (быть), become (становиться), get, grow, turn (становиться), feel (чувствовать), look/appear (выглядеть), smell (пахнуть) используются только прилагательные. Применение наречий после указанных глаголов некорректно.

Немного практики

Для того чтобы хорошо и надолго усвоить любой раздел грамматики, необходимо применять свои знания на практике.

Поэтому предлагаем сделать несколько заданий для правильного использования степеней сравнения наречий в английском языке. Упражнения позволят говорить корректно на английском, как это делают носители языка:

  1. He swims (best/better) than everybody else in the school (better).
  2. People usually do (hardest/the hardest) when they are doing something for their family (hardest).
  3. Please, make for me your (last/latest) photo. (latest).
  4. (The smaller/the smaller) a car is, (the easier/the easier) it is to drive (the smaller/the easier).
  5. Please, shut the window quiet/quietly (quietly).
  6. The beach is less/least crowded today than yesterday (less).
  7. He is very/much younger than she is (much).
  8. She is practically (clever) woman I have ever met. (cleverest)

Прежде чем начать изучать степени сравнения наречий в английском языке, надо очень скрупулезно разобраться с таким же правилом, касающимся прилагательных; выяснить исключения из правил; фразы и словосочетания, которые могут использоваться только с прилагательными. Тогда при изучении наречий никаких трудностей и путаниц не возникнет.

Запоминайте и внедряйте в свою речь как можно больше наречий и прилагательных. Помните, что красочно можно описать не только существительное, но глагол, т. е. какое-либо действие. Делайте свою речь разнообразной!

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